Property Details: | |
Parcel #: | 1021 |
Block #: | 1 |
Registration Section: | San Estevan |
Size: | 810.109 S.M. |
Property Type: | Freehold |
Location Details: | San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District |
Google Map Location: | |
Property Description: | This parcel of land is an empty lot and is located in a recent expansion of the San Estevan Village. |
Property Publication Description: | ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No. 1021, Block 1, situated in the San Estevan Registration Section, Orange Walk District containing 810.109 S.M and held under Land Certificate and being thereon, the freehold property of Antonia Cruz Sanchez surety for Alfonso Manuelito Padron. |
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