Empowering our Belizean farmers in the face of climate change
This loan is to offer financing for technological and non-technological practices that will help mitigate and adapt to the negative effects of climate change. This will lead to a stronger agricultural sector, which is an enormous positive force in our livelihoods.
Purposes For This Loan
To promote the adoption of tested and properly selected Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies, approaches and practices by Belizean climate-vulnerable farmers.
Requirements To Qualify
Be of age 18 years to 65 years (providing the loan term will not allow borrower to exceed the age of 70 years)
Provide an estimate for the purpose of the loan.
Farmer must be registered in the Belize Agriculture Information Management System (BAIMS).
Farmer should be in operation for at least one (1) year
Must provide Income and Expense Statement.
Must have a minimum of 5 % of total project cost in shares with compulsory savings of $20.00 minimum and $100.00 maximum on payment dates.
Must attend at least 2 sessions of capacity building conducted by LICU with a cost of $15.00 per session
Provide marketable collateral to minimize exposure as per the risk rating sheet.
Farmer Loans will be covered up to $15,000.00 by LICU’s Insurance Scheme.
Member will be required to purchase a Creditor Life Insurance Policy for any Business Loan amount above $15,000.00. This must be assigned to LICU.
Account holders will be encouraged to incorporate their business/es.
Committed Shares cannot be used as collateral for other loans.
Benefits Of This Loan
Matching Grant Funds, which would be co-financed by LICU as well as the Beneficiaries
Loans for Cultivation of GRAINS, AQUACULTURE, VEGETABLES, FRUIT TREES, LIVESTOCK, SUGARCANE using energy efficient technology to apply adaptive responses.
Repayment Calculator
Note: This is an approximate estimation and is subject to change. You will know the actual monthly repayment amount when you meet with a Credit Advisor.
Start the loan process
Some Restrictions Apply